A few years ago, my husband and I started talking about saving money for retirement. While we knew a few things about different savings accounts, insurance policies and a bit about the stock market we didn’t know the best way to hit our retirement goals. We made a few appointments and met some financial advisors and rather than try to figure out how to invest our money ourselves for our future, we found someone who could invest our dollars in the best way for our future.
What does this have to do with United Way? In many ways we are that financial advisor. We know the full needs of our community and where you can get the biggest bang for your buck. Not only do we know the biggest needs in the community but we also know the outcomes and impacts of the agencies working to address those needs. Not only does United Way put dollars into the immediate needs (short term investing) but also into the emerging needs (long term investing).
This summer, we completed a full community needs assessment and found 5 areas of need in Anderson County:
- Substance Misuse – all ages, races and genders
- Child Well Being – basic needs being the highest priority (food, internet, homework assistance)
- ALICE Population – “working poor” – asset limited, income constrained yet employed
- Mental Health – for all ages but especially youth
- Physical Health – food insecurity and access to healthcare
In addition to these data driven findings, our partner agencies provided feedback on what they are seeing with their clients which includes:
- Lack of transportation
- Lack of affordable housing
- Support for grandparents raising grandchildren
This fall, United Way will be accepting grant applications. These grants will focus on these community needs and strong outcomes for the people in our community. As you consider ways to invest in the community, we ask that you consider leaning on us to be your philanthropic advisor and get the most out of those charitable dollars.