Happy holidays to everyone in Anderson County! We are so thankful to live in this special community, filled with such kind and generous friends and neighbors. This is especially true during the holiday season, which is traditionally a time of joy and celebration. But for many folks in Anderson County, that celebration is far from reach because they aren’t even able to meet their basic needs. For these folks, the holidays are about surviving. Snow is much less beautiful if you have to sleep in it. It’s hard to think about buying presents when you can’t even afford food.

Fortunately, there are amazing organizations right here that are working hard to solve these issues. One of these is United Way of Anderson County (UWAC). We have been proud to serve as the 2018 Campaign Co-Chairs and have seen first hand the hard work UWAC does to support a network of nonprofits in this community that address root causes of poverty, homelessness, and hunger. UWAC awards grants to 33 local organizations that have been thoroughly vetted to ensure they are providing necessary, quality service to clients. That means that a donation to United Way is actually a donation to every agency in the network. Every donation to United Way has maximum impact.

The 2018 Campaign is almost wrapped up, but there’s still time to give and help UWAC reach its goal of $1.2 million. Next year, that money will be sent right back into Anderson County through grants and community initiatives. So this holiday season, think about the difference your donation today will make in someone’s life tomorrow, next week, and next year.

Thank you for your support!

  • Jim and Nancy