Every year, when United Way of Anderson County sends out our grant application to nonprofits in the community, we receive more requests than we can fill. Every year, our campaign falls short of the community’s need by hundreds of thousands of dollars. And every year, the need grows.  

This growing need for funding in Anderson County means that we are constantly brainstorming new ways to raise the necessary dollars to fill every agency need. It turns out, the solution is simpler than we thought. Anderson County has a population of nearly 76,000 people. That means that if every person in the county gave just $20, once a year, our campaign would total over $1.5 million. We would be able to fund every eligible grant request.

Don’t underestimate the power of $20. The money that you spend on a movie date or pay for a few fast food meals? To our agencies, that $20 means 300 afterschool snacks for kids; four LED light bulbs (which can help a family save up to $100 on utilities); or transportation to a neurologist appointment. A $20 donation comes out to less than $0.40 a week, and less than a dollar per paycheck through payroll deduction.  

Of course, things aren’t quite that simple. Not everyone can give; age, employment status, or other circumstances make it impossible for some individuals to donate to United Way – they may in fact be searching for resources themselves. So we ask: would you donate on their behalf? If even 40% of Anderson County gave an additional $20, we would still meet our campaign goal. When we work together, even the smallest actions can have huge impacts. United Way of Anderson County is dedicated to creating lasting and positive change in our community. Join us. 

Give. Advocate. Volunteer. Live United.